A Comprehensive Guide to Elevating Apple Plants through Grafting Mastery

Introduction In the realm of horticulture, the art of grafting stands as a time-honored technique that holds the potential to elevate the cultivation of apple plants to new heights. As orchardists and gardening aficionados seek innovative approaches to enhance the vitality and productivity of their apple orchards, mastering the craft of grafting emerges as a … Read more

Unearthing Plant Breeding: Tracing Principles, Evolution, Genetics, and Agricultural Origins

Introduction The history of agriculture is deeply intertwined with the art and science of plant breeding—a testament to humanity’s ingenuity and resilience in harnessing the diversity of the natural world to meet the needs of growing populations. From the earliest agricultural civilizations to the modern era of biotechnology, the principles of plant breeding have evolved … Read more

Cultivating Resilience: Unveiling Contemporary Trends and Technologies in Plant Pathology

Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture, the study of plant pathology stands as a cornerstone for ensuring global food security and sustainable crop production. As we navigate the intricate interplay between plants, pathogens, and the environment, it becomes increasingly evident that resilience lies at the heart of agricultural sustainability. This introduction serves as a … Read more

Turmeric: A miraculous Drug

Introduction Since the beginning of time, people have employed herbal items for a variety of purposes. Natural products have existed for billions of years and have coevolved with earth life. Ten plants out of thousands produce secondary metabolites that protect against different illnesses and infections. Since ancient times, herbal medicines have been important in advancing … Read more

Phytochemical analysis of different varieties of Sorghum biocolor in Telangana state, India

Introduction Millet is a small herb that grows around the world as a grain or plant for human consumption. Almost 50 years ago millet was a popular grain in India. With government policies supporting rice and wheat production and consumption, millet cultivation has declined significantly. Before the Green Revolution, millets represented 40% of cultivated cereal … Read more

Management of Bio-Resources An insight through Peoples Biodiversity Register (PBR’s)

1.0 Introduction The term biodiversity has become a buzzword of the present world because it is now increasingly being seen as the resource of the future. The relationship between the people and biodiversity continues to change ever since mankind’s inception. This relationship creates and modifies the folk ecological knowledge and wisdom of the local biodiversity. … Read more

Qualitative Phytochemical Screening and GC-MS analysis of (Eleusine coracana (L.)

Introduction Finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) is avital millet cultivated in India and several African countries. It is very commonly known as ragi or Amanda in the Indian subcontinent. Finger millet is more nutritious than most cereal grains containing minerals, dietary fiber, and amino acids [1-3]. Ragi contains various phenolic compounds, including tannins that contribute … Read more

Biological Corridors, a Recovery Strategy in Highly Fragmented Landscapes: Case study of Biological Corridor Rosario – Santa Fe Highway, Argentina

The knowledge about mammals in Santa Fe has grown extensively in recent years; however, a significant portion of the territory remains poorly explored, particularly the center-south of the territory in the province. Nowadays, the landscape is a mosaic of productive systems, with a high degree of fragmentation, leaving a few natural remnants. The aim of … Read more

Deciphering Host Plant Resistance Mechanisms against Tungro Virus in Rice: A Comprehensive Exploration

Introduction Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is not only a staple food for a significant portion of the global population but also a cornerstone of agricultural economies across the world. Its cultivation faces multifaceted challenges, among which viral diseases pose significant threats to yield and food security. Among these viral pathogens, rice tungro virus (RTV) stands … Read more

Exploring Heterosis Utilization in Cucurbitaceous Vegetable Crops

Introduction Cucurbitaceous vegetable crops, including cucumbers, melons, squashes, and pumpkins, are vital components of global agriculture, providing nutritious food, economic livelihoods, and cultural significance to millions of people worldwide [1]. The exploitation of heterosis, or hybrid vigor, has revolutionized cucurbit breeding programs, enabling the development of high-performing hybrid varieties with superior yield potential, disease resistance, … Read more