The willingness to pay (WTP) of customers in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, for safer vegetables is assessed in this study. A multi-stage selection process was used to choose 350 vegetable consumers (lettuce, tomatoes, and cabbage) from ten districts of Ouagadougou, the capital.While Ordered Probit was used to estimate the determinants of WTP, descriptive statistics were utilized to determine the mean Willingness to Pay (MWTP). The findings showed that the WTP for safer vegetables was extremely high (98.57%). The mean amounts of CFA 322, CFA 400, and CFA 265 for 1.5 kg of cabbage, 1 kg of a bundle of lettuce, and 0.5 kg (500g) of tomatoes, respectively, represented 63.5%, 100%, and 59% increments in the amount that consumers were willing to pay for all three of the chosen vegetables, if they were safer. Younger people, educated people, salaried workers, wealthy people, and health-conscious consumers all showed a strikingly high readiness to pay for safer vegetables.WTP was lower for risk-takers, information-rich people, and people who bought vegetables based on their looks, which was the opposite of what we had assumed. Policy should focus on the former set of consumers. This encourages the business sector in general and farmers in particular to start producing safer vegetables. To increase consumers’ trust in safer vegetables, the government, through the ministry of food and agriculture, is also urged to start the certification process.